A. Old world wines are a category of wines made in the Old World, it stretches across Europe, southern regions of England and Scotland, and the Northern Regions of Africa.
A. Modern Style and traditionally made wines have grown in a larger divide in terms of character, how their respective flavours and aromas are presented to the individual. Generally, you will find modern wines to present their identity directly, strong fruit aromas are present from opening the bottle. In contrast to traditional wines that need a little TLC, a suave swirl to break down the acidity with the minerality allows the bouquet of aromas to develop at equilibrium the wines develop natural sugars which are harmless to the body and give a rich experience.
A. We categorize our selected wines according to the right fit of experience, for the uninitiated starting to learn about wine has little risk involved when trying an entry level, there will be a story told by the wine, and it will be comprehensible and not too complicated.
Seasoned wine enthusiasts will appreciate the characters expressed by winemakers at the artisan levels, these show craftsmanship, a skilled selection of grapes and our favorite is the family expression.
For the veterans who have basked in the glory of the endless expressions of wine, there is the category just for you, our master level wines are selected in limited volumes and made by renowned winemakers that are leaving behind a legacy of decades of experience in their craft. These are truly special wines that have notably memorable characters.
A. Drinking alcohol can lead to an unpleasant physical condition called a hangover. Many winemakers have used various methods to make more money, but our wines are made with minimal intervention. This means that we allow nature to do its work, and we only harvest the grapes when the weather is right. We do not add any artificial substances, such as sugar, sulfites, or yeasts, during the wine-making process.
Our wines undergo thorough testing to ensure that they are safe for consumption. If you remember to drink water in between glasses of wine, you should not experience any negative effects. The only thing you will experience is the enjoyment of drinking our wine.
A. We can process orders of 1 bottle minimum, however, we recommend at least getting a full box of 6 as a minimum as logistics costs have risen nearly 150% in the last two years. This is very costly for consumers and does not reflect any margin on our end. We want to provide you with as much value as possible. Given that the sweet spot starts at 6 bottles to outweigh the transport.
Q. I do not live in Europe do you still ship to my country?
A. We work with DHL Express and their services cover 220 countries, their services do serve the majority of the countries in the world, if you have heard of them then we will reach you. For further insight please look at the link attached to find your country, note that prices may vary on distance from our hub in Portugal.
PS. Currently politically affected countries like Russia are being sanctioned from services. We do not take sides in war and we do not condone violence either.
A. Assuming there is a defect found in the wine that is not mentioned in our technical sheets which has caused your suffering we ask you kindly to send us an email with the fault clearly written so that we may contact the producers and evaluate the products. We appreciate your feedback and are grateful for your comments, our intention is to reduce harm caused by alcohol with proper education around consumption.
If you have a case of excessive consumption of wine and you do not compensate with enough clean water, vitamins, and minerals you will dehydrate and it may cause headaches. However, minimal intervention wines are made with no additions of chemicals, artificial stabilizers, sugar, or sulfites and we work closely with producers to reduce water consumption and chemical treatments when cleaning their barrels.
Q. From what countries do you supply wine?
A. Currently our majority of wines are produced in Portugal as our partners follow an ethical standard of procedure that ensures the highest quality of wine with consideration of nature. We also have wines from New Zealand, France, and Spain however we do not actively promote the wines if they do not present a traditional methodology and respect the ways of minimal intervention. These wines will be highlighted in the technical sheets as Modern Style, Hybrid, Bio dynamic, or their corresponding style.
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